How Do I Progress with Yoga?

I have always been interested in change. How do people intentionally change behaviour What are the ingredients of change? Is there a recipe? Do certain ingredients need to be present?

I have been at yoga now for a while–over 12 years. Yoga is not something that you want to take up if you are looking for quick results. For me, it has been a slow and steady creeper. It has played a key role in my evolution and transformation as a human being. I stuck with it because I knew intuitively that it had something to teach me about slowing down, paying attention, feeling deeply, and healing self. My initial hunch was right. Along the way, I have developed these capacities, among others, and am now keen to share them with others as a yoga teacher.

Once you get your feet wet with yoga, a great question to ask yourself is, "What intrigues me about yoga; what inspires me to practice?"

To move forward in any pursuit, it is helpful to be aware of and cultivate the five elements of progress listed below. These aspects of progress were passed on to me by one of my yoga teachers, Scott Davis. These stages of progress illuminate how change can happen and offer a supporting structure.

The 5 Stages of Progress In Practice:

1. Begin with an urge to grow and a sense of sincerity
2. Nurture a willingness to change and a sense of humility
3. Acquire guidance and practice discernment
4. Practice consistency and integrity
5. Develop patience, practice neutrality and serenity


Where are you with your yoga journey?

I am thrilled to be teaching more private yoga sessions this spring and would be delighted to offer you guidance and support as you progress with your yoga path. Please contact me if I may be of service.


Kathryn Bowen