Kennebunkport Yoga In-Person Classes


Experience small group and private yoga in a stunning boutique studio located in Kennebunkport, Maine. Consider the yoga that I teach to be a work in rather than a work out. My studio is a space for connection and community. I am open to helping you organize your own special class that will meet your unique needs. Check back here often, visit @lisamitchellhealing, and subscribe to my newsletter to stay abreast of current classes and events.

Typical classe Include:

Restorative Yoga
Yoga Nidra
Slow Flow Yoga
Somatic Exploration



Wednesday, April 17th
6:15 pm - 7:15 pm

Pre-Registration by email is required
$20 payable in advance by VENMO


Yoga Nidra is like guided, lying down meditation. This practice, also known as yogic sleep, is a deep relaxation technique. During Yoga Nidra, people shift into their parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system state where healing occurs. Yoga Nidra is effective for managing stress and reducing anxiety. All you have to do is show up, lye down, and listen to my voice. I adore Yoga Nidra and turn to it regularly in my life.


Wednesdays, April 24th - May 15th
6:15 pm - 7:15 pm


Pre-Registration by email is required
$80 for the series, payable in advance by VENMO

Restorative Yoga uses postures and props like bolsters, blankets, and blocks to support your body to rest. Postures are held for about 3-5 minutes without effort. Over time, with support and my guidance, you will shift into your parasympathetic nervous system channel evoking the relaxation response. This practice is also a staple of mine. I recommend restorative yoga for anyone experiencing stress, recovering from disease, is a caregiver, or wants to chill out!


Gift Certificates

Lisa Mitchell Healing offers gift certificates. Personalized yoga and meditation are wonderful gifts of wellness that you can provide for someone. I am happy to curate a meaningful experience for you. Contact me to purchase.


The point of stretching isn’t to see (or show) how far you can reach, or even to reach as far as you can, but... to pay attention.
— John Jerome