
Hello, I’m Lisa Mitchell. Curious, compassionate, genuine, and present are a few words that describe me.

Life is often hard. There is suffering and discomfort, and also joy. Mindfulness, spiritual teachings and counselling provide pathways for working through difficulty, and pain can be an incredible catalyst and teacher. My conscious healing journey began in my early twenties and continues to unfold. Therapy and ongoing learning have been continual threads in my life. I am passionate about health and healing as I have been on the other side. I know what it is like to struggle, and I also know that healing is possible. My own struggles have enhanced my capacity for greater empathy and have made me stronger and more compassionate.

I am a life long learner and am fascinated by the process of transformation. I feel most alive when I am deeply connecting with others seeking to understand themselves and the world around them. Health and wellness have permeated my life in different capacities for over thirty years. I have taught fitness classes, been a Big Sister, and worked at an addiction treatment centre providing education and community development in substance abuse prevention. I have worked with young offenders in a secure facility as well as at an outdoor adventure therapy centre. For many years I planned and implemented programming in public health at the local and provincial levels. After becoming a mother, I discovered the world of yoga and have taught yoga in studios, hotels, schools, community centres, treatment centres, and hospitals. Prior to beginning my own private practice I was part of a wellness team at the Helix Healthcare Group offering trauma informed yoga and somatic exploration.

When not working you can usually find me moving in some way. I adore nature, learning new things, being with my family and friends, reading books (poetry, biographies and self-help), travelling or dreaming of travel, and engaging in self-care practices.

Education, Training, & Learning

I have an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and a Master of Education in Adult Education, Community Development and Counselling Psychology from the University of Toronto. I am a graduate of a three year training program in Relational Somatic Psychotherapy taught by Dr. Michael Sieck, PhD licensed Psychologist and founder of the Three Fold Way. Additionally I have studied Spiritual Psychotherapy at the Transformational Arts College in Toronto. I have completed numerous yoga teacher training programs, accumulating well over a thousand hours of education, and am also a certified Reiki practitioner. I regularly participate in workshops, trainings, and sacred circles led by healers and experts in the areas of mindfulness, psychological well being, embodiment and trauma. One more aspect of my professional development is engaging in ongoing supervision.

Some of my teachers, past and present:

  • Dr. Tara Brach PhD Psychologist, Meditation Teacher and Author

  • The late Dr. Michael Siek, PhD Licensed Clinical Psychologist, founder of The Three Fold Way (Relational Somatic Psychotherapy)

  • Dr. Diane Poole Heller PhD Therapist, speaker, author and  expert in the field of child and adult attachment theory and trauma resoloution

  • Thomas Hübl PhD Teacher, author and international facilitator

  • Dr. Marti Glenn PhD – Clinical Director of the Ryzio Institute

  • Scott Davis, doctor of Eastern Medicine, yoga teacher, movement therapist and health educator

  • Felicia Pavlovic and Ante Pavlovic, yoga therapists and owners of Yoga Therapy Toronto

  • Hali Schwartz, Toronto-based yoga educator

  • Jane Clapp, movement and somatic coach and Jungian psychotherapist

Do you pay regular visits to yourself?
— Rumi